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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Teeth talk

Dropped by the dentist today to get the teeth cleaned after years of avoidance.

School appointed dentists didn't leave a very memorable impression on me those years in primary and secondary school. When I think of the dentist, I think of mostly pain and blood, more pain, and then being reprimanded for not flossing or brushing the right way. I can still remember how they'd take out this set of teeth and drone on about brushing each side 10 times 'One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Okay next side now. One, two....'

Apparently those dentists didn't only think that I couldn't clean my teeth well, they thought I couldn't count. And that fake set of teeth. Freaky. I mean, teeth without a mouth? It was like right out of some cheap horror movie.

So anyway, was a little apprehensive about today's visit. Partly cos of the long interval since my last dental appointment and partly because I needed to get an expert opinion on my sprouting wisdom tooth that's giving me a sore gum.

My dentist ended up being a nice middle-aged lady who chatted with me about school and my future plans, and she wasn't the least bit tyrannical like the other dentists I've encountered. She even commented that my teeth were in a good condition (no decay! yay!) and just needed some cleaning. The only horrific part of the whole experience was trying to answer her in our conversation while she had that noisy polishing tool in my mouth, with water from it shooting everywhere. It was rather amazing how she managed to even make out what I was saying.

Anyway, after the short visit, other than the fact that my teeth feel a little tender (that super-sensitive sensation), it's so clean that I can't stop brushing my tongue over the set of pearlies. I'm even determined not to succumb to my recent sweet cravings to maintain my teeth's cleanliness. This mean less calories too.

I really should do this more often. Visiting the dentist.

[Time of Confession] 1:02 AM
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