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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Just another

It's hard to pen down my thoughts in this blog nowadays.

For one, it's a sudden lost for words - been spewing too much on never-ending assignments and my thesis that when I open my mouth to speak, no more words come out. 'Tis the same with blogging.

Then there are the detractors out there who insist that bloggers are a narcissistic lot who only write about themselves and post up shitloads of their pretty pictures. Me, myself and I.

Here's what I have to say to these people - if it displeases you so much to read about other people's lives, then don't. And if you don't read about it, don't comment on it either. Cos' like movie critics, they only dish the dirt on movies they're WATCHED, so in the same way, if you're not reading every blog on the net, don't be too quick to judge and place a label on every one who keeps a blog. Besides, what business do you have poking your nose into what other people want to say or show on their own pages? Freedom of expression dude.

Do I sound offended? I'm not. I just felt like I had to say a little something for those who blog but are NOT narcissistic and are actually really nice sweet people. <-- my friends, not me.

P/S: no personal attack was made on me or anyone, just read an article in a magazine that spurred this little perspective here


I think I've said this before, but you're now looking at the world's cutest hamster. To me, that is.

[Time of Confession] 8:55 PM
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