









living paradox. individualist with anarchistic tendencies.
eludes eminence but appreciates subtle recognition.
capricious yet dependable. clandestine and unfathomable.
cynical realist who succumbs to the occasional idealism.

music. films. feasting & drinking. team sports.
good company; family, friends and those who share similar interests.


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Sunday, July 17, 2005


pic·tur·esque (pkch-rsk) adj.
1. Of, suggesting, or suitable for a picture: picturesque rocky shores.
2. Striking or interesting in an unusual way; irregularly or quaintly attractive.
3. Strikingly expressive or vivid: picturesque language.

It's time to unload my camera again...

With a damaged SD card from my dad's camera, the verdict is affirmed.
I've lost all my zoo pictures.
All I'm left with are the memories, which hopefully, won't fade so quickly.

This was taken before I left for the zoo (using my own camera). If I were to take an 'after' photo (when I realised the stupid card screwed up), you'd see the stark difference.

This picture shows, quite evidently, my DIY haircut - the fringe, that is. Looks a bit rookie-done, but what the heck...

The infamous girl of my previous blog skin.

And me, trying to imitate her melancholy...

I honestly prefer this one.

My cousin commented that the smiley pictures I post up here don't quite compliment the haunting main black and white picture of the piano and the chairs, so here's my attempt at looking, well, haunting?

with my gigantic shades (it somehow reminds me of the goggles we were forced to wear during chemistry lessons in JC)

...the black and white version. I like!

I met up with my JC mates yesterday for a belated birthday celebration for our dearest Jennifer who's just turned 21 too.

Happy Birthday!!

Some of the guys, while we were waiting at Mac for the birthday girl. She was a whooping 1 hour late, but only because she cycled all the way from her home!

We can all see that Mingde is ecstatic about the outing. Look at his mighty big grin! I'm sure he's just as delighted to be back from Down Under!

The few of us stopped midway when the ice-cream bell beckoned and was too much to resist!
More pictures later (from TY's cam).

[Time of Confession] 2:27 PM
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