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eludes eminence but appreciates subtle recognition.
capricious yet dependable. clandestine and unfathomable.
cynical realist who succumbs to the occasional idealism.

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good company; family, friends and those who share similar interests.


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Saturday, November 20, 2004

Burp. Ms Whiny's in Town

As I'm typing this, I'm feeling terrible. I'm at my study table and my butt is on the chair, filling it almost too snugly. My big tummy is so bloated I bet it could reach my knees as I'm sitting down. I've got too much air in me - this explains the burping (yea, i know... it's gross. but hey, i'm only human). I feel FAT. My hair feels like hay after I went swimming yesterday (darn the chlorine). I feel terribly terribly unattractive as I am now. Whine. Whine.

Despite the fact that things don't seem to be very encouraging (like how i'm feeling irritated now as my sis has taken a hobby to rolling around the room on a chair with wheels), I need to keep a positive outlook and STOP whining! Something good... think about something good.... *thinking VERY hard*

Okay, something to be proud of - I went to the library today! Managed to drag my zombied self out of the living room couch (I was practically ONE with the couch) and head to a nearby community library to get some books to read so that the brain I've fed so well while preparing for the exams (which are already over by the way... yippee! another good thing to add on to the list! i'm feeling better already!) will not disintegrate away cause of under-usage during this year-end holiday.

I borrowed 4 books - 2 for light reading (read: girly novels that don't need much brain work and thinking), 2 for interest. The two books I got purely out of interest are "The blues" by Tony Russell and "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Jazz" (okay laugh all you want but i'm not an idiot). I've gotten totally intrigued by blues music ever since I heard Singapore's very own Universal Blues Band play.

If you don't already know, they're still in the No. 1 spot in Joy's "Platinum Bands" chart! Ahem. And yes, I'm still mulling over the fact that the band has taken an indefinite hiatus since the end of October because dear Trevor has to go back to Australia for 2 yrs... I know I've said this a million times but, I WILL MISS U GUYS!

Sigh. I think I've just made myself feel worse than I already am. Now I'm whiny AND sad.

[Time of Confession] 10:55 PM
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