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Saturday, August 28, 2004

If I Could Change One Thing

It's been a long and tiring week. I'm physically exhausted from all the squash trainings and mentally drained from schoolwork (at this very moment, 2.25am in the morning, I'm still discussing an assignment with my classmates - when will I ever get rest??)

I managed to steal some time away from all the things that are pending my attention to catch a chick flick "13 going on 30" with Bernice. It's her birthday treat which I have delayed for donkey ages.

However, it has never been more timely to catch a movie like this. There's absolutely no need to think - just sit back and enjoy, laugh when it's funny, sob during the sad scenes and go "Awwww" when the lead actress, babelicious Jennifer Garner ends up happily married with her childhood best friend and soul mate.

Much as I believe I'm the pragmatic realist that is somewhat cynical when it comes to relationships and the so-called "True Love", I do enjoy watching movies like these (which some may deem as "brainless" or "cliched") where there's always a good ending - the lead actress finds her Prince Charming and they live happily ever after. And for that split second as I exit the cinema, I shed that pragmatic self and adopt a dreamy outlook to life and love... wishing that maybe one day, I too, will find my Prince Charming...

Ahem. Anyway, there was this scene in the movie which left me a deep impression. Jenna (Jennifer Garner) is sitting at the breakfast table with her mother and she asks her mum,

"Mum, is there ever anything in your life that you would change? Anything you wish you hadn't done and now you're given the chance to undo it?"

Her mum looked at her straight in the eye and said, " No, there's nothing I would change."

"Even the things that you did wrong? The mistakes you made?" Jenna inquired

"No, not even the mistakes I made. For they have taught me how to make things right," her mum explained.

So much truth and meaning in a simple sentence.If all of us thought this way, to accept our lives as it is, moving with it rather than against it, maybe we would be much happier people.

[Time of Confession] 1:23 AM
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