living paradox. individualist with anarchistic tendencies.
eludes eminence but appreciates subtle recognition.
capricious yet dependable. clandestine and unfathomable.
cynical realist who succumbs to the occasional idealism.
music. films. feasting & drinking. team sports.
good company; family, friends and those who share similar interests.
Some say it's about being called a terrorist, some say it's vindictive insults towards his family. We don't really know the real reason but it's definitely something hurtful. For all we know, it was something hair-raising. Probably Materazzi passed some comment about his hair loss problem and Zizou got really mad and lost his head. Men can get rather sensitive about balding.
Or maybe, just maybe, they were actually competing to see who has the harder skull. Materazzi boasting of his strong head that scored the crucial equaliser earlier in the match yada yada yada and that pissed Zizou off because of the tension that late in the game...
Materazzi: Me head is zee most powerful! Deed you see zee beeeauteeful header of mine? Oh it was magnificent! I am so veryyy proud of meself. T'was terrrrific, no? Did you not admire zee beeeeauty of me goal? No? Oh mee goodness gracious, no?? You should have seen it! Learn from zee maestro! Mee!
Zizou: Oh shut up. I'll SHOW you what a strong head can do. *butts Materazzi in the chest*
Alright. Enough of my crap.
The Germany-Portugal match was a big disappointment. I stayed up late on Saturday just to see the team I supported lose the third place to the clinical German players (clinical = boring). Portugal has so much potential and talent. It's a pity they haven't made full use of it for the last few matches. It's probably expected, considering the amount of energy used to roll around the field, wail and squeeze tears out of their tear ducts. But I must admit though, their sneakiness does add alot more excitement to the games.
Goodbye Figo
C. Ronaldo will never be half the player Figo is if he keeps wasting energy on diving
The finals was the total opposite. The game was exciting and the atmosphere was fanatical.For once, I watched the game in public; and for once, the team that I support didn't lose! I was beginning to suspect that it was some kinda hex but nnnoooo.... coz ITALY'S the FIFA 2006 Champions!
I wasn't on either side before the match started. I was 100% neutral - 50% for Les Bleus; 50% for the Azzurri. I was planning to cheer for the losing team just for excitement but what pushed me off the fence was the nutsy Les Bleus fans at CHIJMES.
'Ole Les Bleus! Ole Les Bleus! Ole Les Bleus!' Ok ok I get it already! Quit yelling in my ears! One deranged fan even attempted to climb and remove an Italy flag that was put up. That was the ultimatum - my allegiance was pledged to the Azzurri.
I think this was the most exciting match of the few I managed to catch, not only because my team won, but because both sides played really hard AND there was a whole lot of drama going on.
C'est parfait!
Will miss the WC hullabaloo though I won't suffer from withdrawal as bad as the hardcore soccer fans. I've got a whole string of experiments to keep me occupied anyway, no time to mourn over the end of the WC. Which is why I took a whole 3 days just to finish this blog entry.
So readers should be extra patient with me with the updating of my blog. My project beckons...
[Time of Confession] 10:49 AM 0 Wisecracks for Me
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