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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Musings in the midst of crankiness

I had no idea that my new blog layout was a total mess on IE.

It's rather sucky how if the html fits Firefox, it looks like shit on IE and vice versa. Well, I've made some adjustments to my template using IE so it's presentable now. Sadly for us Firefox users, the layout looks kinda sloppy.

Dang. Can't have the best of both worlds.

Cranky today.

< 4 hours of sleep -> headache + dry eyes -> cannot wear contacts -> wearing glasses -> headache -> CRANKY

Late night out -> FUN -> stayed up late -> watched WC -> rooting for Portugal -> beaten by Frenchmates -> loss of sleep + no victory -> CRANKY

Was out at Timbre with Lydia, Mokkie and their friends to celebrate Lydia's birthday - it was hilarious just watching Lyd and Cecelia's banter cos they're such drama-mamas when put together! For once, we all condoned Lyd's DIVA behaviour and we must have made such a racket at the bistro. Hope Danny didn't mind us being so boisterous - singing the birthday song at decibels enough for the world to hear. Well, girls do get carried away sometimes when there's booze and the mood is right.

I should have skipped the latte and downed more beer had I known that France would kick Portugal's ass so hard (to drown my sorrows mah...). I'm not an ardent fan but I was rooting for them to win. I thought they'd be the dark horse that would take the World Cup title while the rest of the world stood with their mouths gaping and in supreme shock. What a pleasant sight that would be.

Bleah. I would have to wait another 4 years to anticipate a reaction like that again.

Anyway, with both Brazil and Portugal out, I have no preference for the winning team. I just hope that both the Italian and the French players will put up a good fight in the finals and not allow me to endure an excrutiatingly BORING match (like the Germany-Argentina quarters. i can just yawn thinking about it).

More cool tricks! More goals! More drama! More excitement!

Meanwhile, need to space out and rest my tired eyes.

Got the WCSDS - world cup sleep deprived syndrome.

[Time of Confession] 2:06 PM
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