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Sunday, January 21, 2007


Functioning on less than 5 hours of sleep is dangerous. Even more so when dealing with little ones.

Today was my first time at the nursery and considering that it's been eons since I last interacted (let alone cared for) little tods, I was half excited and half apprehensive. Thus the insomnia. It was almost impossible to keep the many variations of possible scenarios from flashing in my mind. I ran through the mental checklist of things to bring and things to take note of over and over again. Extra T-shirt, check. Alarm set at 5.30am, check...

All in all, after about 7 hours at the nursery, I can conclude that my fears were generally unfounded.

I didn't get puked or peed on (and thus my extra T didn't come in handy thank goodness), just a little drool here and there. I do still get a bit freaked out by the screaming tods who cry non-stop for HOURS (man, their stamina is AMAZING) but it's okay. I just have to practise singing much louder than their screams. Shouldn't be a problem, I think. (karaoke anyone?)

I know anyone who's been around young children of the tender age between 1 and 2 years old would probably gush about how adorable they are (minus the screaming and crying part), but that's really quite true. They're so tiny yet so magnificently capable of drawing the attention of the people around them. Talk about being a natural star.

Also, I find it extremely fascinating communicating with these little ones who haven't quite gotten the grasp on language yet. So it's their actions and their incoherent little code words that one has to decipher very quickly to get them what they need (or want) before the time limit of their patience is up and they start to burst out into a bawl.

My arms and back are now achy from carrying and bouncing the tods who refuse to be put down (and if you try, they start hugging and hanging on your legs which can be quite painful AND unsightly) but it's been really something, hanging with these kids. You learn to be a little more selfless; after all, their safety and well-being are your absolute responsibility.

I'm looking forward to my next session with these children - they are a precious reminder to me that I'm blessed to bless others.

[Time of Confession] 9:06 PM
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