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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A League to Join

The league of the extraordinary aunts.

Case 1: I'm out with my aunt and she wants to check out a jewellery store owned by her friend's family. We walk into the hotel where the store's located and I look around while she talks to her friend. I casually browse the gems and my eyes fixate on a quiant little crucifix pendant. It is unique yet not overembellished.

Sweet and simple.

One salesman notices that my eyes were hovering over that piece of jewellery for more than one second and helpfully (or so he thinks) offers to show me the pendant.

'Which one do you like?'

'No lah. I'm just looking.' (typical line used by a window shopper who doesn't want to be harrassed by the salespeople)

The attention of my aunt and her friend is diverted to this conversation between me and the salesman.

My aunt goes, 'Which one you like? Take out and see la...'

'Errr no lah, don't have. I was just looking.'

'Never mind one... just see lor'

'Errrrrrrrrrrr.... that one there in the second row....'

The salesman reaches into the display and pulls out the pretty pendant.

(And this went on in my head: Ooh cute, not too bad. I have good taste. Okay can we go already?)

But that didn't happen. My aunt's friend started to describe the pendant while observing it under that mini spy-glass looking instrument all jewellers use and began to quote prices for it. And since he was a good friend, he slashed more than half the sale price and offered it at close to cost price.

It was the only piece.

'No lah I don't want it. I just wanted to see only.' <-- it's true!! But almost instinctively, my aunt pulled out the cash and proceeded to pay for it, saying, 'Never mind lah, I buy for you. The price so good, and only one piece. Just take it.'


This is the same aunt who's doted on me since young and taken very good care of me when my parents were MIA at home. I feel so indebted to her... especially when she lavishes on me even though she does not have much. It's love like this that shows me how much more my Heavenly Father cares for me. Because of this very selfless and extraordinary aunt, I'm well-taken care of, always doted on and now, have my first piece of real diamond.

A princess-cut diamond sitting happily in its box

Case 2:

I've got an uber-cool aunt who's extremely successful in her trade (thus making her very admirable) and is also the single parent (taking care) of my best cuz. She passes me all the chic corporate wear, making me the last person to fret over what to wear if a surprise interview or function is sprung on me without notice. I am all equipped to be an office lady!

She's also the groovy aunt to go shopping with; and sometimes, the buys are even sponsored.

Yesterday, she just demonstrated again, why I think she's so extraordinary.

Her SMS: Just had din w my x boss whoz visiting fm new york n apparently wentworth miller is his fren! when is prison break? i must watch it next time la

My reaction: *jumping around the room and yelling at the top of my voice 'OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'


My aunt knows Wentworth Miller's friend; and this means that I'm related to someone who knows someone who knows Wentworth Miller! And this would mean that we're closely connected - Wentworth Miller and I!

What I imagine he'd say:

'Hi, I know you from somewhere right? Yea! I know your aunt's ex boss!'

'I held up a bank in the show to...wait, don't I know you? You're the niece of the lady who used to work for my friend!'

I know, I know, it's wishful thinking.
I do my reality checks too.

[Time of Confession] 8:52 PM
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