









living paradox. individualist with anarchistic tendencies.
eludes eminence but appreciates subtle recognition.
capricious yet dependable. clandestine and unfathomable.
cynical realist who succumbs to the occasional idealism.

music. films. feasting & drinking. team sports.
good company; family, friends and those who share similar interests.


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Monday, October 30, 2006

C'est Finis

It's been 6 months.

6 months isn't a very long time, but it isn't short either.

I've finished my FYP - submitted my thesis, held a poster presentation, just gave an oral presentation to the examiners a few hours ago, and now I've finally fulfilled all my responsibilities and tasks for the 16 AUs.

It's a relief.

Jesus has been my wonderful guide - my source of strength and wisdom. I would never have made it through the many failed experiments, late nights in the lab and coming back early the next day only to get negative results.

Because of Him, I believe that I am deeply loved, highly favoured and greatly blessed. How else is it possible that I was not given the project of my choice only to be allocated another project that worked out so fine?

I have the best supervisor (to me lah...) who gives me the space and freedom to question and experiment in my research, is forgiving to my mistakes, guides me along the way, and is extremely approachable to seek advice or even to grouse about the little irritations in life.

And being someone who needs a friendly and warm working environment, He has blessed me with a great bunch of colleagues whom I've had so much fun to get to know and have learnt so much from.

It was intimidating just thinking of the requirements I had to fulfill for my FYP. Writing a thesis, presentating a poster, giving an oral presentation of my work - all these are totally new to me. Not forgetting that I would be presenting my 6 months work to full-fledged scientists who have a well of knowledge that is far greater than mine AND I would have to answer questions from these professors who've had donkey years more of experience than me. How do I go about overcoming these challenges? How am I going to get through this?

I prayed for God to give me these mountains - each and everyone of these challenges, and He has faithfully delivered me from them.

I may be incompetent and incapable, but my Jesus is a big God. His grace, wisdom and power is more than enough for me.

Now as I prepare for my final exams, I know that I won't have to worry because He's taking the exams with me =)

Counting down the days till I can say 'Sayonara' and finally graduate from uni!

Click here for pictures of my poster presentation

[Time of Confession] 6:31 PM
0 Wisecracks for Me


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Recent Pictures Uploaded

Imagine our surprise when we found out that we were selected for the NTU-BPC semifinals.
What I said so unknowingly appeared to be quite true: our business plan thingy had a knack for haunting us...

[Time of Confession] 8:46 PM
0 Wisecracks for Me



It's less than a month to the exams and here I am stuck on my laptop, watching episodes after episodes of 'Princess Hours (Goong)' on youtube.com

The cute pair

The guy that has lotsa girls are going gaga over...
Another pretty boy with an impossibly sensitive and nice character in the show.
Actually he reminds me of an even more boyish version of Kim Tak.

Call me crazy but I prefer Shin Goon for his aloofness and attitude in this series.. Hehe.. I have this thing for bad boys.

Arghh!! Someone please stop me; I'm glued.

The Korean drama wave is higher than ever and it's drowning me now. This is seriously not the time -_-"

This is a classic case of poor timing. Dang. They shouldn't have started broadcasting the series so early. Just wait another 2 more months mah, then I'd have all the time in the world to watch all the shows I want. Yeah... that's the big problem. Plus my really weak self-control which I must really work on.


No more TV!!!

[Time of Confession] 11:48 AM
0 Wisecracks for Me


Friday, October 20, 2006

Grey's anatomy

[Time of Confession] 11:10 PM
0 Wisecracks for Me


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Prestige

"Every great magic trick consists of three acts. The first act is called "The Pledge"; The magician shows you something ordinary, but of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn"; The magician makes his ordinary some thing do something extraordinary. Now if you're looking for the secret... you won't find it, that's why there's a third act called, "The Prestige"; this is the part with the twists and turns, where lives hang in the balance, and you see something shocking you've never seen before."

The Nolan brothers are superb screenwriters; Jackman's a prince to look at; Bale is alluringly brooding; and Chris Nolan is a genius.

Loved his work on 'Batman Begins' and this movie was close behind, although not better.

Finally a good movie this season after all the shoddy and disappointing ones. It's gripping and captivatingly convoluted that it keeps you thinking as the story unfolds. It leaves alot to imagine and to decipher - which event comes first, and whether the scenes were chronologically ordered or if they were in retrospect.

Great plot, great development, and great acting (and not to forget, great hunks too =P ).

I think I've just scored a brilliant summer movie.

[Time of Confession] 11:49 PM
0 Wisecracks for Me



Just a little introspection if dreams were ever meant to mean anything. Things of my past have a knack of springing up on me in the dark of the night in a sporadic manner. Actually, it's more of the people from my past.

It's not as if I've been holding onto some things that were not meant to be. Or have I? In secret, in my psyche?

It's funny though, how these dreams seem to influence my conscious self.

Now I'm lost in thought when I'm really supposed to be fantasizing of being a top class graduate.

[Time of Confession] 2:55 PM
0 Wisecracks for Me


Teeth talk

Dropped by the dentist today to get the teeth cleaned after years of avoidance.

School appointed dentists didn't leave a very memorable impression on me those years in primary and secondary school. When I think of the dentist, I think of mostly pain and blood, more pain, and then being reprimanded for not flossing or brushing the right way. I can still remember how they'd take out this set of teeth and drone on about brushing each side 10 times 'One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Okay next side now. One, two....'

Apparently those dentists didn't only think that I couldn't clean my teeth well, they thought I couldn't count. And that fake set of teeth. Freaky. I mean, teeth without a mouth? It was like right out of some cheap horror movie.

So anyway, was a little apprehensive about today's visit. Partly cos of the long interval since my last dental appointment and partly because I needed to get an expert opinion on my sprouting wisdom tooth that's giving me a sore gum.

My dentist ended up being a nice middle-aged lady who chatted with me about school and my future plans, and she wasn't the least bit tyrannical like the other dentists I've encountered. She even commented that my teeth were in a good condition (no decay! yay!) and just needed some cleaning. The only horrific part of the whole experience was trying to answer her in our conversation while she had that noisy polishing tool in my mouth, with water from it shooting everywhere. It was rather amazing how she managed to even make out what I was saying.

Anyway, after the short visit, other than the fact that my teeth feel a little tender (that super-sensitive sensation), it's so clean that I can't stop brushing my tongue over the set of pearlies. I'm even determined not to succumb to my recent sweet cravings to maintain my teeth's cleanliness. This mean less calories too.

I really should do this more often. Visiting the dentist.

[Time of Confession] 1:02 AM
0 Wisecracks for Me


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Back... for good?

So right, I've been away from a really long time.

Partly because I've been dealing with the demands of my final semester of education (demands that are horrifically unreasonable sometimes, especially when those demands come from a certain someone who's voice and actions everyone absolutely abhors), trying to get good sleep in between despite the haunting nightmares, and basically doing everything except blogging.

Plus, there wasn't much I felt like writing about anyway.

Not about myself, not about how I felt, not about what was going on in the world.

It's as if this passive mode was turned on; I say what I have to say, when I have to say it and that's it. Anything more would be like a waste of my energy.

Maybe it's an indication of weariness.

I'm not depressed. Just weary of some things. Like how you never know if you can trust some people, like how time seems to sprint while you can only move in slow motion, like how you are on the brink of giving up yet you can't, and like how you have to deal with the loss of a friend.

JJ died.

And she was like a friend to me. Others may think it's silly, that she's just a hamster. But my pets mean so much to me. At least they don't put on pretences and they know how to love unconditionally. And that makes it so much easier to love them back.

I miss her a whole lot. She was such a special little Roborovski. Most are extremely timid and shy and will hide at the slightest attempt to approach them... but JJ was above the diffidence. Her bright eyes, her cute nose, the ticklish feel of her feet on my palms when she climbed onto my hand, her exuberant running on the creaky wheel - all the little things she did has never failed me to make me smile.

Looking at her limp, dead body was the hardest. All of me wished that she didn't suffer before she finally went. She's too precious. If animals had emotions and feelings, I sincerely hope that I was a good enough owner for her and that she had the happiest hamster life she could ever have.

Now I have one less thing to look forward to when I come home on weekends. It's mostly going to be coming back to emptiness from now.

[Time of Confession] 11:53 PM
0 Wisecracks for Me
