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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Mid-week affairs

It's just one more day to the weekend and I'm glad I've made it thus far.

The week didn't start out on a pretty note when I've been beleaguered by vivid and stirring dreams at night and in the day, minor setbacks just seem to pepper my ongoing project.

Today, I had to sit in at another interview session for a scholarship. Friends who've stuck with me long enough would know that I haven't had many good interviews; interviewers not prepared, unfair and irrelevant questions arrowed at me, and once, a mad rush cos the bus was delayed.

With such memories sitting at the back of my mind, nerves got a bit quivery and I started the day with a stomachache and several visits to the restroom.

Well, with a silent prayer and trust in my Big Boss that He'll take me through every and any obstacle, I went in, and 10 minutes later, emerged in one piece.

I'm glad it's over and honestly, I think it's one of the better interviews I've been through. Other than a rather sullen professor who seemed to have woken up at the wrong side of the bed this morning, I was able to converse somewhat coherently (though my words came out at machine gun speed) with the other two professors.

Now it's back to the lab and to my 'baby'.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

[Time of Confession] 11:02 AM
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