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Monday, March 21, 2005

Slow Mo....

Have been at the library all day but ended up doing nothing much. Despite the fact that I was sitting at the table and staring at my textbook the whole while - I only left my seat to go to the toilet and for dinner. It's exasperating when my efficiency is so low when the number of days between me and the exams are threatening to dissipate into thin air. Suddenly I seemed to have lost all interest in studying.

Maybe I've been distracted with the exchange application. It's the only thing I talk about nowadays. Well, at least I've finally completed all the nitty gritty details in the application and will send it in to my exchange coordinator tomorrow. FINALLY. How could I possible put it off any longer when he said to me "Dear Joy, ASAP of cos!", when I asked when is the latest he needs me to submit the forms and documents. So I will give it to him tomorrow and hope everything else runs through smoothly.

While online searching for course modules this evening, the message "You've got new mail" flashed up almost every minute. Everyone seems to have a question to ask my favourite prof this semester. I guess it's the content of his module. That's what happens when you make a bunch of biology students do physics. We get lost in the many complex equations, ask LOADS of questions and raise MANY doubts. I think he must be swimming in the midst of all the emails sent to him but he still replies them unhesitatingly. Which is one reason why I like him. But really, to have to do 3 practical reports at one go for just one subject is asking a bit too much. *sulk*

Anyway, smart alec me went to email him a question regarding one of my practicals and let's just say I ended up feeling like such a dumb-ass when I read his reply. If it's of any comfort, he said he appreciated the effort.

Better get back to work. At the rate I'm going, I'll probably be done in a decade.

[Time of Confession] 10:13 PM
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