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eludes eminence but appreciates subtle recognition.
capricious yet dependable. clandestine and unfathomable.
cynical realist who succumbs to the occasional idealism.

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good company; family, friends and those who share similar interests.


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Saturday, January 29, 2005

Weekend Woes

It's the weekend once again and I'm experiencing the ambivalence - as usual.

Don't know whether to smile or sulk because while I'm glad I don't have to go to school for 2 days and face 24/7 stressed up muggers, don't have to whine about feeling lonely in my single room, don't have to eat yucky school food or not eating proper meals altogether and being able to get out of that desolated campus; I'm also getting sulky because...

1. I don't want the new week to come.
2. I've got piles of catching up and work to do and that just deprives me of my weekend fun.
3. My sis is not at home and it's getting too quiet around here.

Anyway, though I'd really hate for the weekend to end, I think I'd better enjoy it while it lasts. Heading to Sunset Bay tomorrow for some beach volley, sand, sea and of course, a bonus of beach babes and hunks coz they're holding the annual Surf and Sweat there. Helllooooo goodlookin!

By the way, I've noticed flowers, bears, blablablah are being sold EVERYWHERE. Valentine's day is such an exploited occasion! Man, it's so overdone it makes me feel sick. The whole idea is just so pointless and redundant. Say what you want, but it's not sour grapes. I mean, if you're going to celebrate your relationship only because everyone else IN THE WORLD is, what's the significance of it all? And every relationship is unique in it's own way, it shouldn't never be subjected to such mass influence.

Bah humbug. They should at least have a single's day.

[Time of Confession] 4:14 PM
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