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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Sex and Lies

I'm getting increasingly disturbed. In the world that I see today, sex sells (and I'm thinking, with a title like this, the readership is sure to jump). It's no big deal. Gone are the days when the 's' word was oh-so-shocking. Now you have people saying f*** and eyebrows still sit comfortably at their resting positions. We don't even blink or flinch at it.

Some say we're more westernized, more liberal. We speak our minds and we do as we please. This is all part and parcel of the whole globalisation process - but at the same time, are we compromising our values and beliefs? More importantly, with the increasing nonchalant attitude towards sex, does it also mean that it no longer holds much value? Is lust the new love?

Our thoughts are subconsciously being moulded into what we see and what we hear. I am an ardent fan of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and I must have watched every episode at least twice. It didn't bother me that everyone in the show slept with anyone possible and that Joey bedded women as much as he ate. I mean, I'm just watching it for the humour and the entertainment. Why take it so hard, right? Maybe. But am I, in the process of chasing every episode, slowly condoning to the promiscuity of our new world?

The more I think of it, the more I am convinced than ever that true love is a much sought for, but one of the rarest things that ever existed. How can a girl trust that her man is with her because he truly loves her for who she is, and not because she satisfies his lust? Shouldn't sex be the premium of a lifelong commitment to someone - something soulful and meant to be held in high regard?

But it doesn't seem that way anymore. Sex now seems to have taken centre-stage and anything else, say commitment and marriage, is but an added incentive.

I find it all a pity, really.

[Time of Confession] 10:48 PM
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