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Saturday, July 02, 2005

Freedom or bondage

This evening, another close friend of mine celebrated his 21st birthday.

With careful thought, it is rather questionable if the day marking a person's 21st year on this planet is worth rejoicing at all. The way I see it, grieving might be more appropriate (at at this point, most will yell "CHOY!").

Of course being 21 has it's pros.

We all know you can finally watch the ARTISTIC movies, get married, buy a flat and vote. The list probably just ends there. Because of the way of our educational system, most 21 year olds are still in school, living off and with their parents. More often than not, living with parents equates abiding by their rules. So much so for attaining the KEY to freedom.

So here you are, turning 21, with everyone patting you on your back, telling you, "Welcome to adulthood!" and congratulating you.

But really, what's there to congratulate?

If being an adult means being entitled to freedom which is withheld, I'd rather remain a child. At least my mistakes would be looked upon with less disdain and judgement.

Today, I received a letter from the Ministry of Health, informing me that once I turn 21, my vital organs would belong to the organ bank should I pass (They take your money and now they want your organs!).

Of course there's a choice to opt out of the scheme, but one would have less priority on the specific organ waiting list, if he/ she requires an organ transplant in future.

But honestly, although the thought of having my organs removed is gruesome, nothing would matter anymore once I'm gone. Nothing except the question of where my soul will reside.

So anyway, being 21 really isn't that big a deal. In fact, I feel like celebrating every day till the 4th of Nov, to rejoice over the fact that: I'm still a child.

[Time of Confession] 11:56 PM
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