living paradox. individualist with anarchistic tendencies.
eludes eminence but appreciates subtle recognition.
capricious yet dependable. clandestine and unfathomable.
cynical realist who succumbs to the occasional idealism.
music. films. feasting & drinking. team sports.
good company; family, friends and those who share similar interests.
As the days pass, I feel like I'm wearing down. French is such a complex language; even after so many hours of lessons, I still can't make my own proper sentences. I can't apply what I learn in class.
I miss my Nihongo. I think I have more affinity with it.
Anyway, our teacher gave his piece on a touchy subject today (Like I've said before, our lessons are also like seminars on philosophy etc etc). We were learning about 'practical information' about a person and there was this short video showing a secretary asking a job applicant about her personal information.
She came to the question, "Quelle est votre situation de famille?" (What is your marital status?) The applicant answered, "Celibataire." (Single) The secretary went on to ask, "Vous avez d'enfants?" (Do you have any children?)
My teacher commented that in Europe, having children does not equate to being married. It is not uncommon that people cohabit and live intimately before marriage. In fact, in some cases, marriage is not even considered.
He said he felt it's too big a risk to get married before doing the above things. He questioned; how can you be confident that the relationship will last if you don't even KNOW the person (apparently you will only truly know the person only after living together and having developed sexual intimacy). You may love each other deeply, but what if after marriage, you realise that 'some things' just don't work? If so, the relationship just goes down the drain. (This is HIS opinion).
I do not deny that there is some logic in his opinion but I'm not on his side of the fence.
It's easy for him to say what he said. He's a guy! Hello, it is the women who have everything to lose if any 'accident' happens. The guy can just do a hit-and-run: there were no strings attached since it's outside of marriage what. Then what will be left of the girl?
Looking at it in another way, if more and more people adopt this frame of thinking, promiscuity will insidiously eat up the moral values of our society because people who are into sex only for the pleasure and fun will exploit this to their advantage, using the excuse, "We're just testing waters first." as their shield. For all you know, commitment and love was the last thing on their minds.
Like I've mentioned before in an earlier journal entry, how can a girl trust that her man is with her because he truly loves her for who she is, and not because she satisfies his lust? Sex now seems to have taken centre-stage and anything else, say commitment and marriage, is but an added incentive. If so, what maketh the relationship then? Just a superficial sexual satiety?
We live in a complex world. Each man to his own. We cannot force others to think the same way but this is where I stand. This is my two-cents worth.
[Time of Confession] 5:38 PM 0 Wisecracks for Me
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