living paradox. individualist with anarchistic tendencies.
eludes eminence but appreciates subtle recognition.
capricious yet dependable. clandestine and unfathomable.
cynical realist who succumbs to the occasional idealism.
music. films. feasting & drinking. team sports.
good company; family, friends and those who share similar interests.
My eyes are so tired from carrying ten tons of weight each. And I think I'm losing control of my muscles. The crazy muscle in my left arm keeps twitching. Non-stop. Maybe it's crying out for a game of squash so that I will just kill it with fatigue and it will stop its twitching.
As I described, the first day of the lunar new year was good. Sadly, all goodness died down less than 24 hours later. Not really keen on the details so... anyway my point is, you can't have too much of a good thing. Even if you wanted it. C'est la vie.
Had a long lunch chat with Evon today and we were suddenly on the topic - if there was one thing in life you could wish for, anything at all (but no playing cheat and saying you want a gazillion wishes. that's not counted!), what would you wish for? We both wished for the same thing. Cold, hard cash.
Some may respond saying that we're materialistic blablabla... but seriously, I think that's the most practical thing to wish for, no?
Some people want health, true love, happiness etc etc. - things that supposedly make life all the more worth living, but to me, each of these are not quantifiable and because of that, you'll never even know even if your wish did come true.
How healthy will you be when you're granted health? Won't catch a flu bug ever? Betcha you won't notice that you haven't fallen sick in the past year. You'll probably think it's just because you've been popping the right vitamins and exercising regularly.
True love. Can you even define true love in the first place?? No? Then how would you know you have it even when it's right in your face?
Happiness. Another thing you cannot quantify. So, how happy? Crazy happy? Happy all the time? If so, your wish will only make you less human because to be human is to be able to feel sorrow and grief - then only you will appreciate and understand the value of joy.
It's true that money can't buy you happiness, but having a substantial amount of it will definitely make life alot easier. So, like Jerry Maguire said,"Show me the moneeeyyyyyyy...."
[Time of Confession] 6:02 PM 0 Wisecracks for Me
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