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Thursday, February 24, 2005


Birth order does really affect a child.

The oldest child is most likely a responsible, generous and protective person. Quite like my older brother. He's forgiving and big-hearted.

Then there's the youngest child. Who will probably be pampered, spoilt, demanding (if the kid turns out bad), or very plainly, loved and welcomes all positive attention.

And of course, there'll be the middle child, who they say, have the worst of both worlds and none of the good things that come with being the oldest or the youngest. That would be me. (and my younger brother too, but he has his privileges being my mother's favourite, so i say, i'm the REAL middle child).

So, what's my point?

Being in a big family with 4 kids and large age differences, I have come to realise an emerging truth. I'm becoming a mini-mum.

My little sister came home today with this booklet I'd once read and re-read millions of times when I was her age (that would be 9 years ago) and read it out aloud to me. "Growing Up and Puberty". I looked up from my magazine in surprise and for a moment was at a loss.

I've realised that my sister is paying more attention to her appearance and is growing taller by the day (with the depressing fact that she will be taller than me one day) but it has not occurred to me that she is about to become a young woman! My little girl is growing up!

There have been times when I took her out on shopping trips and was mistaken for her aunt or worse, her mother, but fortunately, those were rare occasions and most likely because that old lady could not see how young I actually am through her failing eyesight.

I really do think that my sister is one lucky kid to have an older sister who's gone through all the helluva changes she is about to experience. All the physical, emotional and social changes. Going to a new school. Experiencing mood swings (oh no....). BOYS. And other stuff.

She'll have someone to talk to about the things she's feeling. About why some things happen and why some don't. She'll have the best beauty tips and the "Top 5 Ways to Fight that Pimple" - from my own trial and error. She'll have an in-house fashion consultant; she'll even have a personal make-up artist for her graduation ball. She'll have 2 mums.

I never had those growing up. But if things were different for me 9 years ago, I'd probably be a totally different person. There will no longer be a drama-mini-mama.

[Time of Confession] 12:15 AM
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