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Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Kahlen from ANTM did a superb representation of this deadly sin.

Now watch me.

Hell hath no fury like a woman pissed woman scorned.

Let me justify my fiery temper.

I went to bed early last night, hoping to get a good night's rest in preparation for today's mock exam and the long day ahead (9.30am all the way to 5.30pm); but alas, I ended up tossing and turning in bed all night through and couldn't get sufficient rest.

So, I woke up this morning a cranky and irritable woman with a left contact lens threatening to fall off every time I blinked.

Then, horror of horrors, I realised that my little private and quiet nerding haven has been intruded by a mass of other students.

Okay, can still deal with this. Besides, it's all about sharing and this room is not exclusively mine (sadly so. and i have to be reminded of this harsh truth after a three day affair with the room).

But these people had to push my buttons repeatedly by:
1. Talking and discussing their work. I really do adore the absolute silence during the happier days of our time together (referring to the room here). Really, if you need to discuss your work so badly, take it somewhere else. Spare me the raspy whisperings or worse still, the blatant conversations.

2. Eating. Eating.


There's a reason why restaurants don't have carpeted floors while seminar rooms do. It's a simple logic any 2 year old can figure.

You eat at the restaurant but not in the nice, clean and new seminar rooms. (same goes for the lecture theatres too!!)

The smell of food lingering in an air-conditioned room is absolutely disgusting (especially because I myself, am not eating) and distracting.

I should be thinking about genetic maps and cloning, not what the next person's having for lunch!

And thank you very much, but I do not need to be reminded of how empty my stomach is because I'm on detox and only had a salad for lunch.

Think I'm being unreasonably petty?

You should see the sorry state of my supposedly NEW lecture theatre after the tsunami of litter, food bits, crumbs and split coffee hit us.

Why did this happen?

Not an earthquake.

Just some very inconsiderate punks who are testing the Richter scale of cleanliness by EATING (and drinking, for that matter).

Take a picture of me now. Oh yes please do. I think I can easily outshine Kahlen with the perfect snarl.

[Time of Confession] 3:19 PM
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