living paradox. individualist with anarchistic tendencies.
eludes eminence but appreciates subtle recognition.
capricious yet dependable. clandestine and unfathomable.
cynical realist who succumbs to the occasional idealism.
music. films. feasting & drinking. team sports.
good company; family, friends and those who share similar interests.
What do you get when you put two people of completely opposite characters together?
My sister and I are poles apart. I've inherited my dad's penchant for everything neat and organized (I can be quite the fanatic like Monica in FRIENDS sometimes) while she has the terrible sense of organization, which is really quite evident in my mum too.
And to have to share a single living space, our room is pretty much like heaven and hell.
The line between good and evil is obvious... as you can see.
This is the work area that I've slogged to keep neat with minimal stuff because space is really limited. But at the other end, the table is cluttered with things upon things. Think it doesn't look too bad? But of course. This is only after I made my sister tidy it up and throw away the useless stuff (like clothes tags, plastic bags and junk mail) that amounted to 2 bags full. Sigh. And I had to be all naggy or she'd NEVER get down to it.
It's terrible. The mess she accumulates. Not to mention the dust and the bugs. Yeah, literally. I actually found 2 bugs crawling among her stuff. Yikes.
Anyway, I decided that today shall be my room-cleaning day. I spent the afternoon vacuuming, wiping andtada, my room is now spick and span (except for my sister's table lah)!
Started with making my bed. There's Trevor with my loads of cushions and pillows.
Looks inviting yea?
Next is my dresser... had to keep the cosmetics away in the drawer and put away all the styling products I have been using back in the shelf.
Then it's the shelves. Gosh, the amount of hair and body products I have. And the magazines I can't bear to throw away.
Finally, my bookcase and my CDs. This is the easiest task because it's always neat.
And last but not least, my hamsters' cages.
While busy with my chores, I discovered something amazing. JJ (the female lead of my comic strip) is an aspiring spiderwoman!
Up she goes...
Reaching the top...
Hanging upside-down!
[Time of Confession] 9:28 PM 0 Wisecracks for Me
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